Otroška hrana
Formula za dojenčke na osnovi kozjega mleka
DANALAC mlečna formula za dojenčke iz kozjega mleka je izdelana iz posebej razvitih sestavin, ki ustrezajo posebnim potrebam dojenčkov.
Formula v treh stopnjah je primerna za dojenčke od novorojenčkov do treh let.DANALAC GOAT formula iz kozjega mleka:
- Vsebuje vse potrebne hranilne snovi za pravilen razvoj dojenčka
- Prebiotiki spodbujajo prebavo in preprečujejo okužbe
- Nukleotidi podpirajo razvoj imunskega sistema
- Folina kislinaohranja funkcionalno integriteto živčnega sistema in optimizira rast celic
- Jod, železo in taurin koristijo razvoju možganov in tvorbi organov vida.
Za močne, zdrave in zadovoljne dojenčke
Takoj za materinim mlekom
DANALAC je odlična rešitev za vse lačne dojenčke.
DANALAC formule v treh stopenjah zagotavljajo ravno pravšnjo količino hranilnih snovi in vitaminov, potrebnih za oblikovanje velikega, zdravega in zadovoljnega dojenčka.
Delivered in great looking tin cans of three sizes 400, 450, and 900 grams, DANALAC comes in three types and stages for various age requirements:
The DANALAC Three Stage Formula
- Stage One: for newborns to six-month old babies
- Stage Two: for six to twelve-months-old babies
- Stage Three: for twelve to twenty-four-months-old babies
Please Contact Us
Please Feel Free To Contact Us
It is always a pleasure hearing from you.
DANALAC Infant Formula, our teething biscuits, and wonderful cereals are all made for you and your market. We want to take the next step with you to take our brand and our products to your target market. We want to hear from you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your next requirement or for more details and discussion of possibilities and options. We look forward to hearing from you.
Please Contact Us
Please Feel Free To Contact Us
It is always a pleasure hearing from you.
DANALAC Infant Formula, our teething biscuits, and wonderful cereals are all made for you and your market. We want to take the next step with you to take our brand and our products to your target market. We want to hear from you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your next requirement or for more details and discussion of possibilities and options. We look forward to hearing from you.
DANA Dairy Group LTD
Route de Pré-Bois 29
1215 Geneva, Switzerland
Marketing Office:
20 Rue Lavoisier, 95300 Pontoise, France
Dana International OÜ
Kollane tn. 8-7, 10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone Numbers
– Phone: +41 (22) 518 1147
– Phone: +33 1 84 88 65 76
– Phone: + 372 600 2374
DANA Dairy Group LTD
Route de Pré-Bois 29
1215 Geneva, Switzerland
Marketing Office:
20 Rue Lavoisier, 95300 Pontoise, France
Dana International OÜ
Kollane tn. 8-7, 10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone Numbers
– Phone: +41 (22) 518 1147
– Phone: +33 1 84 88 65 76
– Phone: + 372 600 2374